welcome to cactus space!

what's new?

This fucking town, you know? It'll swallow you whole. You know, I had dreams once. Of being a poet. A singer in a band. A dancer. But this fucking boring, unstimulating town. And to make matters worse... There's a killer. And he's killing girls like me. Girls on the wrong side of the tracks. Girls who are relatable. Pretty, but not unapproachably so. Pretty in the sense that... You would see my framed and signed headshot on the wall of a local pizzeria because I ate there once, but not pretty enough to make it past Hulu Original. And if we don't act fast, graduating prom is going to be the last fucking night of our life. My mother's a nurse, and I'm not going to fucking end up like her. Thank you.

albums of the week!

what is currently on repeat?

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